PSWD Rose Photography History and Guidelines


These are the Guidelines for Photography as a separate division developed in the PSWD between 2008 and 2012.

Please bookmark this site.

The American Rose Society now has a Committee on Rose Photography, and that committee will be developing ARS Guidelines for Rose Photography that will eventually replace these. The website, blog, and forum for PSWD Photography have been removed, so that there is not conflict as the ARS Committee does its work.

The history of the development of guidelines for Photography as a separate Division, as well as the Guidelines themselves, are here for download by anyone interested until the ARS has its published guidelines. When ARS guidelines are available, the PSWD Guidelines posted here will be removed.

PSWD Photography Guidelines, 2008-2012

History of Rose Photography in the PSWD, 2008-2012

It was an honor to create and then to serve as Chair of the first PSWD Photography Committee. I am looking forward to now working with the new ARS Photography Committee, as that Committee develops Guidelines for use throughout the American Rose Society.

Susan Brandt Graham
Chair, PSWD Photography Committee, 2009-2012

Susan Brandt Graham

Susan Brandt Graham

Susan’s Photography

Susan’s Photography Blog